Episode 30: Who Are You Really Following?


Who are the loudest voices and influences in your life? While it's great to learn from other people, sometimes we are looking to the wrong source to teach us how to live.

In this episode, we'll pay attention to who we follow and why, and how to know when it's time to turn down the outside voices.

This Week’s Practice: Who Are You Really Following?

The Practice: When you are scrolling on social media, pay attention to who you are following and why.

Reflection Guide: When you notice that someone you admire online has a loud voice in your life, whether that’s positive overall or negative, ask yourself:

  1. What about this person is appealing to me?

  2. Is what they are sharing real, or does it feel staged or manipulated to look better than it is?

  3. Is what they share helpful?

  4. How do I feel when I engage with their content? Do I feel encouraged and inspired? Or do I feel shame and less-than?

  5. When I’m inspired by what someone else says or does…How might that look like uniquely for me? What would it mean to live that out as ME in my unique life, rather than simply trying to copy how someone else does it?

More Resources:

For more resources to help you discover steady and sustainable growth through simple spiritual practices, download a free starter guide.

This podcast is part of the New Hope Podcast Network. Learn more about all the podcasts in the network here.


Episode 31: Life Is Not a Performance


Episode 29: Start With the Right Question